Home Assistance Claims Contact

Emergency Assistance

Where ever you may be, help is at hand 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. With the worldwide reach of QBE Assist you have a proven team of Australian based medical and emergency assistance specialists.QBE Assist has been providing assistance to travellers in need since 1992. QBE Assist is a team of trained medical and insurance specialists available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. The QBE Assist team has full authority to act in the event of a situation arising, thereby empowering them to act quickly and effectively in the event of an emergency:

  • assessing and monitoring your condition after an accident or illness;
  • providing medical repatriation, if required;
  • making payment of hospital and medical bills;
  • assistance with rescheduling of travel arrangements, replacement of lost passports or travel documents;
  • provide advice and contact details for airline local embassy in the event of lost tickets, passports or travel documents provide contact details for bank/credit card provider to assist with arrangements for emergency transfer of funds;
  • in case of an emergency, providing a message service for travellers so they can keep in touch with their family, employer or travel agent back home.

Providing assistance is not in itself an admission of liability for your claim and where relevant all services are subject to a claim being accepted under the policy.

In the event of an accident, illness or emergency mishap during your trip, please contact our medical and emergency assistance team, QBE Assist.

If you're overseas telephone:

Country Telephone
Austria 0800 291 702
Brazil 0800 891 8401
Canada 1800 665 3870
China North 10800 611 0133
China South 10800 361 0151
Fiji 00800 2149
France 0800 90 5097
Germany 0800 181 7694
Greece 008 006 112 6195
Hong Kong 800 933 877
Indonesia 001 803 61683
Ireland 1800 552 636
Israel 1809 456 589
Italy 800 875 100
Japan 00531 616 441
Malaysia 1800 800 428
Netherlands 08000 226 742
New Zealand 0800 441 678
Philippines 1800 1611 0045
Singapore 800 6161 051
South Africa 0800 99 3514
Spain 900 996 167
Sweden 0200 214 612
Switzerland 0800 838 533
Thailand 001 800 611 2885
United Kingdom 0800 899 813
United States 1800 765 8631


Email qbeassist@qbe.com
Fax International access code
then dial +61 3 8523 2815

If you cannot use the toll free number above, please contact the international operator and ask for a 'reverse charge' or 'collect' call to +61 3 8523 2800.

If you're in Australia telephone:

QBE Assist 1300 555 019 or 03 8523 2800
Customer Service 1300 555 017 or 03 8523 2777
Claims 1300 555 017 or 03 8523 2777
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